Rest assured, you still have the real deal! You may have noticed some changes to our packaging recently. The reason for this? Retail! As we expand into retail, switching to plastic packaging and removing the blue dye wordmark from our capsules are both important steps to accommodate retailers’ needs and meet the necessary guidelines for approval. This is all part of our plan in making Cheers accessible to you in major retailers across the nation – a vision that makes us very excited!
The switch to plastic also means less chance of breakage during shipping, which is helpful to both our customers and our retail partners.
Our promise to you: transparency, efficacy, and quality continue to be our priority at every step, from formulation to shipping. Our formulas remain the same, and we are not compromising the eco-friendly nature of our packaging. Our new PET bottles are recyclable and we strongly encourage you to recycle after use!
If you have any questions that you’d like to share, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at!