Due to recent events and the ingestible nature of our products, we will not accept any returns for refunds on products that have been shipped out. We hope you understand why this policy is in the best interests of our customers’ protection.
There has recently been a large amount of cases where ingestible or topical products have been tampered with by consumers.
For example, Blue Bell ice cream recently had an event where a woman was caught opening up ice cream containers in a store and licking the top of the ice cream, and then replacing them into the freezer. And Walmart recently had an event where someone had opened up a hair conditioner product and replaced its contents with Nair (hair removal lotion) and caused an unsuspecting female customer to lose large amount of her hair.
We would never suspect any of our customers or shipping partners to do something such as this. And, we have tamper evident packaging for additional protection. However, all forms of tamper evident packaging are mimicable and replaceable, and therefore the main way we can increase protection of our customers from tampering is to not allow for returns.
If you did not receive the item you ordered or received a damaged product, let us know and we’ll make things right!