If you don't love us, you'll get your money back on up to one of each product you try.
We’re so confident you’ll love Cheers, that we stand by our risk-free money-back guarantee. If you try Cheers Restore and don't feel at least 50% better the next day, and tell us about it within 30 days via email, we'll give you your money back. If you try any of our other products (i.e., Hydrate, Protect, Relief, or Multi) and aren't satisfied, we will still honor that money-back guarantee. If you are dissatisfied with your purchase for any reason, we'll refund your first order (up to one unit of each product—regardless of the number of doses per unit).
How to request a refund or replacement: simply email us at hello@cheershealth.com within 30 days of purchasing, and we'll make it right! For full legal details, please see here.
Due to customers potentially taking advantage of the program, we will not be able to issue refunds on any purchase made through the referral program. Any referral orders that are canceled prior to shipment will be refunded and the referrer’s $5 URL will be invalid.
Because of our large scale fulfillment operation and shipping partners, auto-refill orders must be skipped or canceled 24 hours prior to the renewal date by emailing hello@cheershealth.com to give our fulfillment team and partners time to pull the order. To request a refund, simply email hello@cheershealth.com.